Rascal and his girlfriend, Lily, are the closest couple around! With these stickers’ floral design, they’re sure to bring a gentle and soothing touch to your day. They’re perfect for all of your Valentine’s Day chats too!
- Title : Rascal and Lily: Cordial Couple
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, English, Mandarin
- Link :
line://shop/detail/16696 JP
line://shop/detail/16714 TW HK CH
line://shop/detail/16715 ALL
- Publisher : The World Masterpiece Theater (NIPPON ANIMATION)
- Rascal Intense Stickers
- Rascal New Year’s Omikuji Stickers
- LINE POP2 & Puchi Rascal
- Rascal and Lily: Cordial Couple
- LOVE ☆ RASCAL and Friends
- Rascal New Year Stickers (2017)
https://www.line-stickers.com – Rascal and Lily: Cordial Couple LINE Stickers :