This set features plenty of traditional customs and more to create the perfect Moon Festival atmosphere in your chats!

- Title : Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers
- Price : Paid / 50 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available till October 3, 2018.
- Language : Mandarin
- Link : line://shop/detail/12203
- Publisher : ZhangSiYu
- Copyright : 2018 ZhangSiYu
- Ms. Red Bean: Xmas Big Stickers
- Ms. Red Bean: Summer Day [BIG] Stickers
- Ms. Red Bean Moon Stickers LINE WhatsApp GIF PNG

Introducing the Charming Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers for LINE & WhatsApp
Get ready to add a delightful touch of tradition and whimsy to your chats with the enchanting “Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers” set! These static stickers feature a lovable character named Ms.Red Bean Moon, who embodies the spirit and customs of the Moon Festival. With her adorable appearance and festive elements, Ms.Red Bean Moon brings a unique charm to your conversations, making them more lively and engaging.
Publisher and Copyright Information
ZhangSiYu: The Talented Publisher Behind the Stickers
ZhangSiYu is the brilliant mind behind the creation and publication of the “Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers” set. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating delightful characters, ZhangSiYu has brought Ms.Red Bean Moon to life. The publisher’s dedication to quality and creativity shines through in every sticker, ensuring that users have a wonderful experience while using them in their chats.
2018 ZhangSiYu: Protecting the Copyright and Intellectual Property
The copyright for the “Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers” set is held by 2018 ZhangSiYu. This ensures that the intellectual property and artistic creations of ZhangSiYu are protected. By respecting the copyright, users acknowledge the hard work and dedication put into creating these delightful stickers.
Celebrate the Moon Festival with Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers
Traditional Customs Come Alive in Each Sticker
The “Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers” set is a treasure trove of traditional customs associated with the Moon Festival. From delightful mooncakes to colorful lanterns, each sticker showcases an element that captures the essence of this beloved celebration. Ms.Red Bean Moon herself is dressed in traditional attire, adding an authentic touch to the stickers. With these stickers, you can share the joy and warmth of the Moon Festival with your friends and family in your chats.
Expressive and Versatile Stickers for Every Occasion
One of the standout features of the “Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers” set is its versatility. Whether you want to express happiness, send warm wishes, or simply add a touch of festivity to your conversations, these stickers have you covered. Ms.Red Bean Moon’s expressive facial expressions and poses capture a wide range of emotions, making it easy to find the perfect sticker for any situation. From cheerful greetings to heartfelt messages, these stickers enhance your communication and bring a smile to everyone’s face.
Description of Ms.Red Bean Moon Stickers’s Sticker
Row 1:
1. Ms.Red Bean Moon and friends celebrating the Moon Festival together
2. Ms.Red Bean Moon holding up a delicious mooncake and lantern
3. Ms.Red Bean Moon welcoming you to join the festivities
4. Ms.Red Bean Moon putting on a red scarf and moon ornament
Row 2:
1. Ms.Red Bean Moon and a rabbit friend rowing a boat with lanterns
2. Ms.Red Bean Moon and two friends making a heart shape with hands
3. A surprised Ms.Red Bean Moon popping out of a bright red gift box
4. Ms.Red Bean Moon happily juggling mooncakes
Row 3:
1. Ms.Red Bean Moon excitedly offering you a mooncake
2. An angry Ms.Red Bean Moon holding a “fighting” banner
3. Ms.Red Bean Moon as a wizard casting a spell with a magic wand
4. A cool Ms.Red Bean Moon relaxing on the moon with tea
Row 4:
1. Ms.Red Bean Moon dressed in traditional attire, enjoying the moonlight
2. A sleepy Ms.Red Bean Moon dozing off under the full moon
3. Ms.Red Bean Moon holding a giant glowing lantern
4. An artistic silhouette of Ms.Red Bean Moon gazing at the moon
The Ms.Red Bean Moon sticker set, published by ZhangSiYu with a 2018 copyright, delightfully captures the festive spirit of the Moon Festival. Through expressive poses and traditional elements like mooncakes, lanterns, and full moons, these charming stickers help create the perfect celebratory atmosphere in your chats. The lovable Ms.Red Bean Moon character embodies joy and warmth as she celebrates this special occasion with friends.