A special collaboration with the famous Taiwanese illustrator RisuDong. These popular Monster Strike characters are even more lively and cuter than you think. Use the meme stickers to brighten up your chats!
- Title : MONSTER STRIKE × RisuDong Monst Theater
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Mandarin
- Link : line://shop/detail/19486
- JinYong’s Works by RisuDong I
- JinYong’s Works by RisuDong II
- Soap Opera: The Flame of Love 10
- Soap Opera: The Flame of Love 6
- Working Time! Pets in the Office!
- Kung Fu Time! Summer Special
https://www.line-stickers.com – MONSTER STRIKE × RisuDong Monst Theater LINE Stickers :