Matsumoto Kiyoshi’s beloved character, Matsupoli-chan, returns with a new set of work-themed stickers that are sure to arrest your attention! Use them to show off just how hard you work each and every day! Sign up as a member and link your ID to receive this amazing set for free!
- Title : Matsupoli-chan on Patrol
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available till April 17, 2016.
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/5867
- Publisher : Matsumoto Kiyoshi Co., Ltd.
- Copyright : Matsumoto Kiyoshi / HAKUHODO
- Matsupoli Stickers
- Matsumoto Kiyoshi Police
- Matsupoli-chan on Patrol
- Matsupoli-chan
- Matsupoli: Sirens Blazing – Matsupoli-chan on Patrol LINE Stickers :