Coji-Coji, the fantastical comedy set in a fairy-tale world, returns with its first-ever set of message stickers. These stickers are straight from the pages of the comics! With 24 variations to choose from, call upon the classic manga to deliver messages that are your very own.
Message stickers currently require LINE 10.3.0 and above for smartphones, and only work in chats. Check the help page for the latest system requirements.
- Title : Manga Stickers: Coji-Coji
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Message sticker
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/17612
- Copyright : MOMOKO SAKURA
- Manga Stickers: Coji-Coji
- Coji-Coji Voice Stickers
- Coji-Coji Custom Stickers
- Coji-Coji Comic Stickers
- Coji-Coji Animated Stickers LINE WhatsApp GIF PNG – Manga Stickers: Coji-Coji LINE Stickers :