Team up with the LINE community and white stuff for exclusive stickers! You can own the daily stickers that are easy to use in the chat room and the community at one time. Add the official account of the LINE Openchat to your friends to have this sticker.
- Title : LINE Openchat × Kimi Bro.
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available until May 11, 2022
- Language : Mandarin
- Link : line://shop/detail/25764
- Publisher : LINE Openchat
- Copyright : Kimi Bro.
- LINE OpenChat: Chat with Shibung&Bingsu
- LINE Openchat × Kimi Bro.
- LINE OpenChat × kesanitw LINE WhatsApp Sticker GIF PNG
- Openchat
- LINE Openchat × Meow meow Monster – LINE Openchat × Kimi Bro. LINE Stickers :