Eat well, sleep well, wake up early! Then all that’s left is to work hard, train hard, and face your difficulties without fear. These cute kung fu characters give you loads of energy to take life by the horns and ride it for all it’s worth! Presented by RisuDong.
- Title : Kung Fu Time! Fighting Stickers
- Price : Paid / 50 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available @ store till April 18, 2017.
- Language : Mandarin
- Link : line://shop/detail/8301
- Publisher : RisuDong
- Copyright : RisuDong. All rights reserved
- Kung Fu Time! Blessing Stickers
- Kung Fu Time: Lucky Booster
- Kung Fu Time! – Walking on Air!
- Kung Fu Time! Summer Special
- Kung Fu Time! Fighting Stickers – Kung Fu Time! Fighting Stickers LINE Stickers :