gudetama’s videos are popular, but what if he streamed video games? 8-bit designs join his famously weird phrases to make an amazing sticker set.
- Title : gudetama Gets Gamified
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : English, Mandarin, Japanese, Thai Language
- Link :
line://shop/detail/24319 JP
line://shop/detail/24320 TH
line://shop/detail/24321 TW HK CH
line://shop/detail/24322 ALL
- Publisher : SANRIO
- Copyright : SANRIO | S/D.G
- gudetama CNY Stickers (2019)
- Talkin’ Movin’ gudetama
- gudetama: This again?
- Small Talk Between AMA and gudetama
- gudetama × Nobody Lazy Anniversary – gudetama Gets Gamified LINE Stickers :