The delectable Nippon TV drama "Gourmet Detective Goro Akechi" arrives as a set of large-sized stickers, complete with voiced lines from the show. With the star-studded cast and famous catchphrases, these stickers will have you saying "not bad at all" in your chats!
- Title : Gourmet Detective Goro Akechi
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Sound
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/17492
- Publisher : Nippon Television Network Corporation
- Copyright : A.H / S,N
- Your Turn to Kill Vol. 2
- Momikeshite Fuyu
- Kiss that Kills
- From Today, It’s My Turn! [BIG] Stickers 2
- From Today, It’s My Turn! [BIG] Stickers
- Seigi no Se – Gourmet Detective Goro Akechi LINE Stickers :