This fluffy design of Winnie the Pooh has won people’s hearts, and now he comes to you in a set of animated stickers. He’s surrounded by lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits!
- Title : Fluffy Winnie the Pooh (Citrus)
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : English, Japanese
- Link :
line://shop/detail/25374 ALL
line://shop/detail/25365 JP
- Publisher : The Walt Disney Company (Japan) Ltd.
- Copyright : Disney
- Winnie the Pooh Custom Stickers
- Winnie the Pooh × Vithita Animation
- Animated Winnie the Pooh Speech Balloons
- Winnie the Pooh (Crayon)
- Winnie the Pooh Sakura Lot Stickers
- Winnie the Pooh by Tomoko Ishii – Fluffy Winnie the Pooh (Citrus) LINE Stickers :