Sometimes strict, always kind… This collection of famous Doramon quotes contains pearls of wisdom that will only ring truer the older you get!
- Title : Doraemon’s Animated Adages
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, Mandarin, English, Thai Language
- Link :
line://shop/detail/7034 ALL
line://shop/detail/7022 JP
line://shop/detail/7032 TW HK CH
line://shop/detail/7033 TH
- Publisher : Fujiko-Pro
- Copyright : Fujiko-Pro
- Doraemon Friendly Greetings
- Doraemon & Dorami
- Doraemon Moving Backgrounds
- Doraemon All-Purpose Greeting Stickers
- Doraemon the Adventure
- Doraemon New Year’s Omikuji Stickers – Doraemon’s Animated Adages LINE Stickers :