You are invited to BT21’s frighteningly adorable Halloween party! Terrifyingly cute, they make the scary spectacular and the dreadful delightful. Perk up your chat with UNIVERSTAR BT21’s spooky stickers!
- Title : BT21: Halloween Party
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, Mandarin, English
- Link :
line://shop/detail/12534 TW
line://shop/detail/12528 JP
line://shop/detail/12532 ENG
- Publisher : BT21
- Copyright : BT21
- BT21 Warm & Fuzzy Stickers
- UNIVERSTAR BT21: Summer Time
- BT21 CNY Stickers (2019)
- Animated BT21 For New Year’s
- BT21|Hyundai
- BT21 Message Stickers – BT21: Halloween Party LINE Stickers :