What’s a phone if you can’t make yourself be heard? Don’t let your feelings go down the drain. Let this egg do the talking for you, and speak your mind! Please note that tapping stickers on the iPhone will cause sound to play even in silent mode.
- Title : Talkin’ Movin’ gudetama
- Price : Paid / 100 Coins
- Type : Animation & Sound
- Expiry Date : No Expiration Date
- Language : Japanese, Mandarin
- Link :
line://shop/detail/4268 JP
line://shop/detail/4329 TW HK CH
- Publisher : SANRIO
- Copyright : ’13, ’15 SANRIO
- gudetama: Thai Version
- gudetama New Year Stickers (2017)
- gudetama’s Sunny Side Pop-Ups
- Talkin’ Movin’ gudetama
- gudetama in Space
https://www.line-stickers.com – Talkin’ Movin’ gudetama LINE Stickers :

