Install our LINE POP game app & get stickers featuring Brown FREE! (Hurry! Offers for free stickers may be withdrawn without notice)
1123: Free stickers for players who entered the LINE POP "No.1 Local Area" (地元No.1決定戦) event from Tottori, Wakayama, and Fukushima. Available till November 19, 2013
1241: Collect items from Treasure Chests in LINE POP to get the set.
1683: Love is Priceless! A Chance you can use LINE POP items as much as you want! Download this game and you can get the original LINE POP Sticker! Available till 15 February 2014
1704: Clear the Mission Relays in LINE POP for 20 days during the period and get these stickers! Available till April 30, 2014
- Title : LINE POP
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Language : English
- Link :
- Publisher : LINE
- Copyright : LINE Corporation – LINE POP LINE Stickers :