The popular manga series Tokyo Tarareba Musume teams up with FANCL in this zany sticker set! Representing FANCL’s additive-free active conditioning series, Oage and friends are here to liven things up! Friend FANCL’s official account to get the set for free.
- Title : Tarareba Hada Musume & “Oage”
- Price : Free
- Type : Static
- Expiry Date : Available till March 2, 2017.
- Language : Japanese
- Link : line://shop/detail/7052
- Publisher : FANCL
- Copyright : FANCL CORPORATION | Akiko Higashimura / KODANSHA
- Ace of Diamond
- Saint Young Men
- LINE MANGA 10th Anniversary stickers 2
- Vulgar Bear & Stinging Seal × Wancl
- A Couple of Cuckoos stickers
- Tomorrow’s Joe (Ashita no Joe) – Tarareba Hada Musume & “Oage” LINE Stickers :